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The journal

The Cahiers d’Asie centrale is a peer-reviewed journal published by the French Institute for Central Asian Studies, and presents humanities and social science research conducted in the Central Asian region. It is a multi-disciplinary journal that examines the territories at the crossroads of the Russian, Turkish, Chinese and Iranian worlds in order to help grasp its realities and developments. It offers multiple perspectives, combining articles written by young researchers and senior scholars, originating from Western countries, as well as translated articles from local scholars.

Established in 1996, this journal was first published by Édisud, Maisonneuve & Larose, Complexe and De Boccard. Since 2009, it has benefited from a double diffusion, first in a paper form at PETRA Editions and then in electronic format on the platform

Since 2003, Cahiers d’Asie centrale have a reading committee, which was renewed and extended in 2009. Since then each article is submitted to a double anonymous peer-review by an international scientific college.

Each book consists of a thematic issue, directed by a single scholar or a team and dealing with a key topic of Central Asian studies across borders of disciplines, regions and times. It regroups a dozen of original articles in French and English on Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as neighbouring regions of Russia, Iran and Afghanistan), in a multidisciplinary approach (history, geography, archaeology, linguistics, sociology, political sciences, anthropology and ethnology).

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